Torridon Counseling

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Back To School: Digital Learning Edition

Heading back to school looks and feels different for most of us this year. While at first it feels very different, digital learning can be as successful and productive as in person learning.


Here are some easy tips on how to create a successful digital learning experience for your family!


Notice your emotions. Your kids might be feeling excited about the idea of more school in their pajamas or they might be feeling so sad to be missing out on getting back in the classroom. It is completely normal to be experiencing a wide range of emotions right now! It is important to notice our emotions because they greatly influence the way that we respond to and handle the challenges in our path. If your kids are experiencing angry, sadness, or frustration about digital learning, take some time to talk these through with them before trying to begin classes. The more positive the attitude and learning environment can be, the more successful they will be at digital learning.


Create effective boundaries.  The lack of separation between down time and school time is another big challenge of digital learning. It can be really easy for school, work, and family time to begin to blend together in unhealthy ways. While it is so important for kids to learn, it is equally important for them to have times to disengage from work and just have some fun.  New research is showing that a lack of boundaries and routine are creating high levels of chronic stress in children. Us adults can even be feeling the burden of this too! Create boundaries by setting up start times and end times for the day. The traditional school day starts with a bell and ends with a bell. How can you as a family signify the start and end of the school day? Another way to create boundaries is to create a space specifically for your kids to work. That way they know they start school there and the work stays there whenever they move onto other activities. 


Find a productive routine. Digital learning gives us more flexibility. However too much flexibility can leave our kids feeling overwhelmed and unproductive. Work together to find a start time and end time of the school day. While creating this routine, find other healthy activities to incorporate into the digital learning day. Add in screen breaks. Build in time for exercise and moving their bodies. Make time for a healthy lunch or snackā€¦bonus points if they help you cook them. Set up play dates via video or even socially distanced ones outside as you feel comfortable. Find times to connect as a family. Building in other activities besides learning in front of a computer will help to create a well-rounded and productive schedule.


Frustration will happen and that is ok. There will be moments, or even days, of stress and frustration where nothing feels like it is working. Know that these are expected, these are ok, and they will pass. Allow yourself and your kids grace and understanding to navigate these uncertain times together.